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Hi everyone,

my name is

Stars Pattern Illustration

Silver Vanus

Silver Vanus

A Quick Background

I'm based in

Albuquerque, NEw Mexico


an Author and Digital Artist

Currently Working On

Utopia Series

Here's a showcase

of my creative work

Vintage floral vertical rectangle
Stars Pattern Illustration

Three Fun Facts

I used to be

a Software Engineer.

After college, I worked for a wonderful company named Ideeli. Best job EVER!

I love to Draw

I do a lot of digital art. My favs are animal portraits but I am also learning Illustration and how to portrait. I always try my hand at all forms of mediums and why I love digital art !

I love to Write

I started writing after Ideeli and never looked back.

Stars Pattern Illustration

My Writing

From my Demon Slayer Series...

Meet Sinnafain Winters

All she wants is a normal teenage life. Go to parties, have a social life, maybe even a boyfriend, be free to fight in an underground fighting ring in order to placate her demon and her constant blood lust. You know your normal teenage things. But no. there’s some psychopath after her, people around her keep dying, and her parents insist their very survival depends on her to keep their secret.

Life is just so unfair.

Always learning

Always Writing

Always Drawing

Always living my Best Life!

Find Your Joy!

Hand Drawn Heart Balloons
Cat in Teacup with Hearts

My Socials

My Socials

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